First and foremost, we invite any qualified and experienced attorney that has any interest in joining the Florida Lawyers Network to join us for an FLN Chapter meeting. Basically go to, take a look at the different events coming up in your local neck of the woods and join us for a Chapter meeting. Your idea is to be able to see how the organization runs, how it operates and most importantly you’re gonna get the chance to meet and connect with some of the members in that particular Chapter.

Similarly, the other members of that particular Chapter are gonna get the chance to know you and meet you and check out you and your qualifications and your ability to be able to provide value and benefit to others on a consistent routine on regular basis.

So really, your first step is join us for an FLN Chapter meeting, and if you don’t have an FLN Chapter in your particular neck of the woods and you’re really inspired, don’t be shy. Go ahead and raise your hand and you too can help us find and implement and FLN Chapter in your particular neck of the woods so that you too can build and develop these valuable and powerful connections in your local legal community and be seen as a pioneer and a founder of a particular FLN Chapter throughout Florida and even some day beyond.