Greetings Everyone:
It seems every time I sit down to draft an FLN update the circumstances in our community have dramatically changed and frankly it becomes exhausting keeping up with everything.
Let’s try this again.
First and foremost, everyone needs to take a deep breath, relax, regroup and put things in perspective.
I went outside recently and confirmed, the sky is not actually falling, so taking a deep breath to look around and be grateful for many great things is really important every day.
It turns out that unless we learn otherwise, the sun will continue to rise and set each day, and hopefully everyone is in good health along with your friends, family, and loved ones.
After conferring with lots of FLN Members in various FLN Chapters throughout the entire FLN organization, here is the general consensus about the current health crisis at this hour on this day.
Generally speaking . . . . . .
Vaccinated People
Very low risk and the likelihood of transmitting or contracting the Corona Virus, and very low risk of developing any serious or significant health problems.
Yes, as with anything there is some risk, but until we learn otherwise, this vaccine is extremely effective, and not likely to cause a serious medical issue.
Again, based on the information currently available, that is the general consensus among fellow colleagues and FLN members that follow these matters closely.
Un-Vaccinated People
Currently – high risk of contracting and transmitting the Corona Virus disease when attending populated events, and increased likelihood of developing serious health issues.
Additionally, lots of reports have confirmed that over 98% of COVID hospitalization are from Un-Vaccinated people.
And my personal favorite was a Hospital Doctor who recently said –
“This is very interesting, but not surprising. 100% of the patients I have recently seen in the Hospital for COVID have said – “Damn – I wish I would have gotten the Vaccine earlier and avoided this whole thing.”
Now if anyone has the time, energy, resources, or ability to disprove any of this information – “knock yourself out.”
At the end of the day, we all know that other than Death and Taxes, there really are no certainties or guarantees.
We will always need to wear our seatbelts in the car, look both ways before crossing the streets, and not to eat food that has been left out of the refrigerator for more than 12 hours.
We all get it.
Some have a higher risk tolerance, while others do not as much.
We all have to gather the information we receive, process the details, and make decisions that we personally feel are in the best interest of ourselves and our families.
So no one at any time for any reason connected with FLN – now, previously, or in the future should ever feel that you are being pressured to do anything that you are not ready to do.
There will be no pressure, no judgments, no concerns, and no issues, on any decision anyone makes.
Now some decisions may be statistically better than others, but I guess that will always be the case which is what led to the expression “different strokes for different folks.”
Informally, and unscientifically, I can report that almost every single FLN Member that I have connected with is totally and completely vaccinated.
I am sure there are some exceptions as with anything, but the vast and significant majority of FLN Members that I have personally connected with over the last several months are totally and completed vaccinated.
I will be shocked to learn otherwise, but our current decisions are based on these numbers, and that is the basis for the decision to reinstate live in-person Chapter meetings.
Unless you have not noticed this is a great group of highly skilled and well-qualified attorneys and professionals, and it really is a very exclusive sub-set of our larger community.
As such, it is not surprising that such a large percentage of FLN Members would be totally and completely vaccinated.
In the meantime, the main reason for this entire message is to reassure everyone that the [FLN – Mission] remains the same.
“To give experienced attorneys and professionals a tremendous opportunity to build and develop valuable connections on a long-term basis.”
Currently, since so many FLN Members are already fully vaccinated, many folks are looking to attend in-person lunch meetings, while some folks are still cautious and would like to connect virtually.
I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.
For the remaining foreseeable future – everyone will be at a different place on this wild and crazy journey.
As of this instance at this hour on this day, and based on the feedback we received from lots of FLN Members throughout the organization, FLN is still planning to have live in-person Chapter meetings, and we will continue to carefully monitor the situation and make decisions accordingly.
Currently, our FLN team is already working on some plans and ideas to find a way for all members to connect – stay connected and remain connected throughout this entire adventure, so stay tuned as details develop.
If you are supportive of the FLN Mission and support our efforts to find creative ways to connect – you can give us a “thumbs up”, “a nod in a positive direction”, but unless we specifically reach out to you individually, please don’t offer any advise, counsel, or suggestions while the “cake” is being made.
In other words, we are already working on some creative ideas, where “we can have our cake and eat it to” – so please respect the chef.
Stay out of the kitchen, and we will let you know when it’s time for dessert.
Watch your emails carefully, as you could miss something important.
In the meantime, let me say perfectly clear –
That while these challenges seem daunting exhausting and annoying – I am extremely grateful, appreciative and honored to know so many great friends and colleagues throughout the entire FLN organization.
Stay tuned….
-Mo N. ElDeiry, Esquire
[FLN – CEO & Founder]
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