Greetings Everyone:
I trust everyone’s Holidays went very well, and many of you were able to enjoy some great times and memories with your family and friends.
It was really great seeing so many of you at the various FLN – Holiday parties throughout December, and lots of photos from that event will be posted shortly.
In the meantime, here are lots of great and exciting things happening throughout FLN.
[FLN – Chapter Directors]:
-As previously announced – for the very first time in the history of FLN – all FLN – Chapters currently have a full slate of Chapter Directors that will serve for the 2022, and we sincerely look forward to their leadership and presentations at the upcoming Chapter meetings. Again, really big thanks to all our FLN – Chapter Directors that have been serving during the last term.
[FLN – Chapter Meetings]:
-Unless announced otherwise, all FLN Chapter meetings will resume in January as scheduled, and if you are unable to attend, please reply to the RSVP email when it’s circulated. No need to report every detail, but giving us a quick reply with A,B,C, or D, helps our FLN team plan a really great event, so your quick and brief reply is greatly appreciated.
[FLN – Power Lunches]:
-Based on lots of great input and feedback, there will be some changes to the Power Lunches as follows:
–First – to avoid lots of time trying to schedule the power lunches, the Power Lunch Coordinators will be asked to provide their selected date in advance. Then when the groups are finalized, your group will know your date, and you can place on your calendar accordingly. Obviously, if you have an unavoidable conflict, you can always join one of other groups in your Chapter, but you must take the initiative to make that happen.
–Second – we are going to release several Power Lunch sessions at the same time, so that folks can put the dates on their calendars well in advance, and plan accordingly.
If all goes as planned, the next round of FLN – Power Lunches, will be released this week and folks can start placing the dates on their calendars.
[FLN – Virtual Chapter]:
-By popular demand, the FLN – Virtual Chapter will become an official FLN Chapter for an indefinite period of time. For many reasons, the concept has worked very well since September, and we plan to continue this format indefinitely.
The FLN – Virtual Chapter will now become the 12th FLN Chapter, and will operate just like any other FLN Chapter. As the name implies, all FLN – Chapter Meetings, and the FLN – Power Lunches will be conducted via Zoom, but it’s really been a great way to connect with a much larger group of FLN Members in a larger geographic setting in a virtual format.
-The [FLN – Virtual Chapter] will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 11:45am thru 1:30pm. More details about the FLN – Virtual Chapter will be announced shortly so stay tuned.
[FLN – Classifieds]:
-Great to hear that folks are getting value from this feature, and regular emails will be circulated to keep you posted on the newest postings. As always, if you cannot find the prior emails, you can always go directly to the link below to view the FLN – Classifieds.
[FLN – Online Community]:
-As FLN continues to grow throughout South Florida and beyond, it has become essential to have a robust online community so that it can be easier to connect with FLN Members in each Chapter, as well as connecting with fellow FLN Members in the other Chapters.
Basically, the FLN Online Community will have the benefits of a very efficient Listserve, and an active Facebook group.
FLN – Members should click below to view the details and join….
Advocates Board Room:
-Thanks to so many of you that have already expressed interest in the lawyer’s mastermind group. Personally, I am very excited about this project, and if you have not done so yet, I encourage you to click the link below to visit and view the exciting details.
[FLN – Coaching Program]:
-Recently, more and more of you have been asking about implementing a coaching program for lawyers, and we are researching the details to provide you with more information.
-I am a big fan of business coaching, and it has been one of the best ways to get great results efficiently.
-If there is enough interest in this feature, we will investigate and offer some options. The current place we have been using, has a very extensive waiting list, and law firm coaching remains a very valuable need and service throughout the legal community.
If you are interested, send me email me directly, and I will keep you posted as details develop.
Final Thoughts:
Oh… in case you are wondering,
Yes, I am very passionate about constantly finding ways to improve FLN near and far, so we have been adding lots of great team members recently, and that allows us to provides lots of great “value and benefit” to our FLN Members as more and more great ideas and featured are developed and implemented.
Again, really big wishes to have a Happy – Healthy and Prosperous New Year, and as always, I sincerely look forward to seeing all of you sooner than later.
Make it a great day, make it a great week, make it a a great Month and . . . . . finally – Make it a really great year.
-Mo N. ElDeiry, Esquire
[FLN – CEO & Founder]
Click Here for the FLN Calendar