Greetings Everyone:
Welcome to the final day of August 2021.
It’s official.
FLN is very happy to announce that all 11 [FLN – Chapters] were able to conduct a live in-person [FLN – Chapter Meeting] in the month of August 2021 as scheduled.
And while attendance was lighter than usual, it was great to connect, interact, and captivate with so many great friends and colleagues in a live “in-person” setting.
Throughout the month, there were so many individual conversations and interactions that it was a great reminder of how awesome it is to connect in person.
There was laughing, smiling, and clapping as we enjoyed the company and camaraderie of friends and colleagues.
While the Zoom era was able to keep us connected during a time where a physical connection was not possible, the tremendous benefits and opportunities that emerge when we connect in person were really great to experience.
And as part of the FLN “Public Service Announcement”, it is great to know that the efficacy of the vaccine remains very strong, and serious medical concerns to those that have been vaccinated are very very unlikely, and that is really great news.
It is heartbreaking to hear the stories of folks that have not been vaccinated, so hopefully, those stories will greatly diminish as the health concern continues.
In the meantime, the FLN Mission of giving experienced attorneys and professionals a tremendous opportunity to build and develop valuable connections continues, and here is the current strategy.
FLN – Live – In-Person Chapter meetings will proceed as scheduled.
Now more than ever, if you are planning to attend your FLN Chapter meeting, please register ASAP, so that our FLN team can work with the venue to provide a great experience.
This is a very challenging time at many venues, so we really need to know how many are planning to attend as it impacts everything from the venue, to the menu, to the size of the room, to the number of people that may be working our event, so we really need everyone and anyone that is planning to attend an FLN Chapter meeting to register “early and often” as every little bit makes a difference.
Again, for anyone that is not ready to attend a live – “In-Person” Chapter meeting, you can click the link below to view the options for the [FLN – Virtual Chapter] at the bottom of this email.
And really big thanks to so many of you that have reported you have been following these updates, and that is always great to hear.
Here are some other things that are coming soon with FLN:
→ Preliminary plans are underway to coordinate the FLN – Holiday parties in the 2nd Week of December so stay tuned.
→ FLN Annual Meeting for 2021 for all FLN Chapters is currently deferred until the spring, so stand by for those details.
→ Starting January 2022, FLN will be hosting live -In-Person Quarterly Mastermind retreats for qualified and experienced attorneys that would like to brainstorm and mastermind on a regular basis to achieve some really great results.
→ FLN – Classified – the new and improved version of this program will be released shortly, and we learned a lot from the prior version so this feature will be even more powerful than the last.
→ FLN – Online Community – a powerful, and robust way for all FLN Members in all FLN Chapters to stay connected online. It is basically a private dedicated online community that combines the best aspects of a list-serve, a WhatsApp group, and a Facebook group.
The FLN – Online Community is a powerful feature so watch your email carefully for those updates.
→ The FLN Blog – has recently launched and has lots of great content and information from past FLN updates to the Florida Bar News. etc…
Click the FLN Blog link below to check out the recent news.
→ FLN – Power Lunch Groups continue for September, and we will do the best we can to combine folks that want to be virtual and in-person so watch the emails to notify when they are ready.
As always, it is really great to hear and see that so many FLN Members, friends, and colleagues are connecting and reconnecting on a regular basis.
Once again, thanks to so many of you that make this a great organization for attorneys and professionals to stay connected, and I sincerely look forward to connecting with all of you sooner than later.
-Mo N. ElDeiry, Esquire
[FLN – CEO & Founder]