[FLN – Transition] – Important Updates – Virtual to Live
Greetings everyone and welcome to the first week of June in the strangest of years that we can remember.
It seems like every time I get ready to send around an [FLN – Update], there are even more developments that create a bizarre and strange occurrence throughout our community.
Can you believe that in addition to quarantine, we now have a curfew?
This is some wild and crazy stuff.
Who would ever have thought that we would use the words quarantine and curfew in the same sentence to describe our current situation?
As I keep mentioning at almost every [FLN – Chapter] meeting, like it or not, Attorneys and professionals will be looked upon to help our community “dig out” of this rubble caused by recent events. This is a serious leadership role, and we must be prepared mentally, physically, and emotionally to provide the necessary guidance, counsel, and advice to each and every client.
This is not a time to down-size or retreat, but rather a time to build, expand and continue preparing for the onslaught of legal services that will be needed by so many people in our community.
As Attorneys, we really don’t have the luxury of standing around and waiting for things to improve. It is actually our responsibility and duty to make things better by helping clients unravel and address these challenging times.
On that note, let’s review the latest and greatest updates:
As mentioned in the last FLN – Update – providing that things in our community continue to improve by dining in public, the [FLN – Transition Strategy] from virtual to live meetings will be as follows:
June 2020:
We will continue with one more round of [FLN – Zoom Chapter Meetings], and we are looking forward to everyone attending these historical events. Don’t miss out on getting your photo on the screen and being posted on Social Media. Years from now those photos will be very valuable and historic.
If nothing else, everyone seems to really be improving their technical Zoom skills, and this has been a really important feature in keeping everyone connected during this adventure.
July 2020:
To give everyone a chance to re-energize, revitalize and recuperate from so many Zoom meetings, we won’t be having any official [FLN – Chapter] meetings in July, as this will give folks a chance to venture out and possibly attend a “live” power lunch or two when they are ready.
Additionally, in July we will be having some important webinars about some very interesting topics, like legal marketing, technology, etc….. so be sure to watch for those announcements as well.
August 2020:
Presuming all goes well and things continue to improve, and venues are ready to accommodate us at lunch, we will be looking to have live [FLN – Chapter] meetings once again.
This is definitely a process and must be done gradually and prudently.
We cannot go from virtual meetings, to live meetings overnight, so before folks are ready to attend an [FLN – Chapter] meeting in August, it will be important for folks to “test the water” and have at least one or two “live” [FLN – Power Lunches] before.
While we cannot control the circumstances around us, we can definitely control our decisions and reactions.
As mentioned in prior updates, I know some of you are ready to start connecting as of yesterday, and even though some groups have already started having “live” power lunches, some of you are not ready yet, and that is perfectly fine.
There will be no pressure, no judgment, no concerns, and no requirements for anyone to do anything they are not ready to do.
We will do our best to accommodate everyone as best we can, and please take your time, feel comfortable, and make things happen when you are ready.
However, do not underestimate that connecting and reconnecting with fellow friends, colleagues, and members via Zoom, phone, email, or in-person on a regular basis is still very important.
We need and must-have, the support, comfort, and camaraderie of our friends and colleagues to stay focused, stay positive, and stay strong as we continue to help everyone around us, “dig out” from the rubble that has been created.
Not connecting is simply not an option.
We need to be at the top of our game at the time when folks need us most, and connecting with fellow [FLN – Members] is essential in making this happen.
So to recap, the June [FLN – Chapter] meetings we will be Zooming, in June/July we will begin transiting with live [FLN – Power Lunches], and then in August, we hope to be back and live with regular [FLN – Chapter] meetings as usual.
Today’s most relevant and applicable quote:
If the initial plan doesn’t work,
change the plan,
but never the goal.
As always,
“I sincerely look forward to connecting with you sooner than later.”
-Mo N. ElDeiry, Esquire
[FLN – Founder & Director]