Greetings Everyone:
Since things are considerably different than they were earlier this month, have you recently asked yourself a very important question?
What ideas, concepts, strategies, or projects are you determined to complete during this adventure that you never had time for before?
While many attorneys and professionals I connect with have been fortunate to maintain a busy and full schedule some real questions come to mind.
Are you taking this opportunity to really work on the most important things right now that will make the biggest impact in the future?
We all know this storm is going to pass, and while we have some extra time to reflect and ponder – are you ready for the next wave of excitement in this adventure?
Think about all the new laws that are being enacted that will need lots of great attorneys to review, interpret, and facilitate for so many clients.
Think about the ways you will market and promote your message to your clients and colleagues on how your firm is ready, willing, and able to handle the needs of society.
Right now, it may be calmer than before, but whether it’s Bankruptcy, Family Law, Estate Planning, Real Estate closings, and leases – Employment Law, Tax Law – attorneys will be looked upon to help the community dig out of the rubble.
Don’t miss a beat during this particular time. Very soon there will be lots of innovative and creative needs that attorneys will need to address so if your marketing plan needs to be created, updated, or modified, now is a great time to make that happen.
As Jim Rohn would say . . . .
“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are
not willing to do.”
“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”
Stay Strong, Stay Positive and Stay Focused. As always . . . .
“I sincerely look forward to connecting
with you sooner than later.”
Make it a great day, and please feel welcome to reply with any exciting stories, tales, or experiences you recently encountered.
-Mo N. ElDeiry, Esquire
[FLN – Founder & Director]