Greetings Everyone:
During this time of independence and reflection be sure to use your [FLN – Chapter – WhatsApp Group] to communicate frequently and efficiently with your fellow FLN Members.
Even though we are not able to connect in person, several of our [FLN – Chapters] have been making great use of the WhatsApp Group, and if you still have not joined your [FLN – Chapter WhatsApp Group] reply to this email so that we can send you the details.
If you have joined your [FLN – Chapter WhatsApp Group] – use it to connect with your fellow friends and colleagues during this exciting adventure.
As time permits, we will be sending around awards and recognition of activity on the [FLN – Chapter WhatsApp Group].
Currently, here is how things shape up in using this feature:
First Place goes to the [FLN – Doral Chapter] for the best use and content of [FLN – WhatsApp Chapter Group]. The group is lively, informative, funny, educational, and really uses the group to connect frequently and efficiently.
Second Prize goes to the [FLN – Miami Chapter] for content, activity, and information. However, the [FLN – Miami Chapter] comes in first place for consistently posting great photos of each and every [FLN – Power Lunch]. This makes a huge difference, and this Chapter has been great with posting lots of great referrals on a regular basis.
Some of the other [FLN – Chapters] present some information sporadically, but not as consistent as these 2 [FLN – Chapters].
Remember – just find something useful, educational or inspiring to post and share with your fellow – [FLN – Members] and they will greatly appreciate your contributions.
Truthfully, there is no sense in having lots of great information within us, unless we are ready, willing, and able to provide “Value and Benefit” to fellow members and colleagues on a regular basis.
So take a moment to post something great in the [FLN – Chapter – WhatsApp Group] and maybe your Chapter will get some recognition and bragging rights in the next update.
Until then stay positive, stay strong, and stay active. The alternative is un-captivating.
And when this is all over, there is going to be a serious [FLN – Happy Hour] to celebrate the passing of this unnamed storm.
As always, I look forward to connecting with you sooner than later.
-Mo N. ElDeiry, Esquire
[FLN – Founder & Director]